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2020 Summer Bridging Math Mentorship Program

COVID-19 has created a lot of challenges in our community. The closing of school facilities and moving to distance learning for the past three months has affected the quality of learning for many young students. Additionally, now that school is over and many summer programs are cancelled, students have a lot of free time to fill at home.


The 2020 Summer Bridging Math Mentorship Program was created to help students bring some meaningful time in their summer break by sharpening their skills in math, preparing for the next school year, and cultivating a passion for learning and problem solving. We pair students one-on-one with high school mentors who are passionate about working with young students and giving back to the community. Each session is personalized to target the student's needs and create a personal bond. All sessions will be held online through video call and are free of charge so that they are accessible to everyone.


If you are interested, click the link below to register! For more information, check out our FAQ. If you have any questions, email us at or fill out the contact form here, and we'll be happy to help you out.

Registration closes 7/31/2020!

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